- FillMyPod
A small Python application which mixes MP3 files from multiple locations.
Written with generators/iterators to provide more flexibility when
additional data sources/transforms are written.
- Fragspace
- Go
- App Engine
- Memcache
- Rackspace
Frag Space is an API for spinning up new game servers, written in Go. It was
developed to pick up a new language, learn some APIs (Rackspace and Swipe,)
as well as to explore OAuth2.
- Lift Encrypted Fields
This library adds authenticated encryption fields to a popular web
framework. It is the result of personal research, but quickly ended up in
production. The library also represents my desire to give back to the
Scala/Lift community.
- Logging Example
This is a short example of logging a JSON-based RESTful API using MongoDB.
It was plucked from a presentation I gave a few years ago and is as close as
I can get to showing production code. Interesting technologies include Scala
(language,) Lift (framework,) MongoDB (storage,) and Actors (programming
- The Hack Base
This is a small, database-driven application written in Python with Django.
It's goals were minimal, but included the ability to switch between a Google
App Engine install and a dedicated server.